Welcome to boinc.mundayweb.com


Hello and welcome!

I created this site for the many thousands of BOINC crunchers around the world to provide them with stats graphic counters for BOINC projects. You can include these graphics in your own web sites, forum signatures, blogs etc. You can also browse the BOINC stats held by the site, and display your stats on your desktop.

Once you have created an account, you can customise how your stats are displayed. This includes the colour scheme and background image as well as being able to customise which project stats are shown. If you are a member of a team the site will also provide customisable stats graphics for your team as well.

Example stats graphics are shown below:


OLDK1 support added - Sat, 01 Jun 2024 21:48:45 BST
Support for the OLDK1 project has now been added.

LODA support added - Thu, 19 May 2022 10:15:59 BST
Support for the LODA has now been added.

The Ramanujan Machine added - Mon, 20 Dec 2021 22:02:36 GMT
Support for the The Ramanujan Machine project has now been aded.

iThena Computational project support added - Mon, 08 Nov 2021 22:05:38 GMT
Support for the iThena Computational project has been added.

beefathome support added - Sun, 18 Apr 2021 10:40:52 BST
Support for the beefathome project has now been added.


The services provided are completely free. If however, you'd like to support the up keep of the site please click the PayPal donate button at the top right of this web page.