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BAM assists you in creating and managing your BOINC project accounts and helps you with setting preferences, joining or creating teams, connecting your computers to projects, and many more. Whether you're a new or an existing BOINC user, BAM will help you get the most out of BOINC.

If you are new to BOINC, you can start BOINC right here and create your BAM account. Just enter your information on the registration page and after activating the account you can start with selecting the projects you want to support. The account information you use for BAM will be used to create accounts for you at your chosen projects.
Download the BOINC software (necessary) from here, install it and attach it to BAM (instructions). You are into science now!
A step by step instruction is at the bottom of this page.

If you are an existing user then the projects where you already have an account will be imported into BAM when you create a BAM account. These projects can now be managed from BAM (like setting preferences or resource shares). You can attach your existing hosts to BAM (instructions) and control them from BAM.

(Logo used with permission)

Original writer Original FAQ Date
Jorden 41 13-12-2006