Things still to do

From BOINC Wiki
Revision as of 00:05, 22 May 2016 by Jord (talk | contribs) (Done my copying)

Via this page we can add what there is still to do to get this Wiki the way we want it to. You can add to it, you can sign up to what you want. I propose we add a list of things here, and the person who wants to work on something, adds his name at the end of it. All right?

Copy all FAQ titles to their indexes - Jord - done
Copy all FAQs - Jord (I'm done) and vaxfan
Read all FAQs, mark which need rewrites 
Rewrite/touch up/add formatting FAQs
Add images for FAQs that need them
Or update images for FAQs that already have them
Proof read ready FAQs
Add the full explanation of what CreditNew is, where it fails, what can be done to fix it - JasonG
Add sections for Windows, Linux, Mac for different FAQs
FAQ titles start with a capital and end with anything but a full stop '.' 
Titles don't like braces { and } in them. These cannot be escaped as far as I found. 
Someone has to trawl through all the FAQs at and copy the missing links per FAQ over. - Bowtieguru

Discussion points:

What is the oldest version we keep in the FAQs? BOINC 6, BOINC 7? 
Can the Einstein moderators check all Einstein FAQs and see which ones are still viable, if any? - Kathryn
What do we do with projects? Do we add them in, leave them out? I feel to leave them out, as there are places enough that show which are available, active etc. 
I understand from Agentb that you cannot add to Discussions. I've sent that off to Neil, perhaps a permission problem. Although Users should be able to create Discussions. I dunno. I think I'll make a page on the main index for discussions for now, in which you can leave just about anything, all right? Jord (talk)

FAQ titles that have already been dumped, no need to copy these FAQs:

The whole section Other links to BOINC related pages
BOINC Manager 6.10.76
BOINC Manager 6.7.76