BOINC Terminology: T

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Task - A piece of the Work Unit to be crunched on the participants computer. This is what you download from the project. See Work Unit.

Team - A group of people with the same interest who have come together to crunch for the same project.

To Completion - The (estimated) time remaining to the end of the result. Shown in BOINC Manager/Tasks.

Transitioner - The transitioner acts as a coordinator. It examines workunits for which a state change has occurred (e.g., a completed result has been reported). Depending on the situation, it may generates new results, flag the workunit as having a nonrecoverable error, or trigger validation or assimilation of the workunit.

Trickle - A between times status report of a result that is running. Long running projects, such as ClimatePrediction.Net use trickles to send information about their model back to the servers. This so the people still have (some) information in case the result is never crunched to its full time (crashes, loss of interest by the user).

Turnaround Time - The time between your computer getting tasks and it crunching, uploading and reporting them.

Original writer Original FAQ Date
Jorden 146 25-01-2007