Error code -161 to -170 explained

From BOINC Wiki
Revision as of 15:33, 30 June 2016 by Bowtieguru (talk | contribs)

ERR_NOT_FOUND -161 - This happens when you have an inconsistent client_state.xml file. Files aren't written to it. Task not found would be the error message.

ERR_NO_EXIT_STATUS -162 - This happens when an exit status is not found in the scheduler request.

ERR_FILE_MISSING -163 - Client_state.xml file has found that a file is missing that it should have. Found through verification process.

ERR_SEMGET -165 - BOINC is unable to get a set of semaphores.

ERR_SEMCTL -166 - BOINC is unable to free a set of semaphores.

ERR_SEMOP -167 - BOINC is unable to use a set of semaphores.

ERR_FTOK -168 - BOINC cannot get file token (key) for semaphores.

ERR_SOCKS_UNKNOWN_FAILURE -169 - This is old code that is no longer used in any of the present versions of BOINC.

ERR_SOCKS_REQUEST_FAILED -170 - This is old code that is no longer used in any of the present versions of BOINC.

| Jorden
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| 2008-02-14 23:18:56
| 2008-02-14 23:18:56