Error code -211 to -220 explained

From BOINC Wiki
Revision as of 15:50, 30 June 2016 by Bowtieguru (talk | contribs)

ERR_ATTACH_FAIL_PARSE -211 - The web page for the URL you used to attach to a "project" contains no BOINC information. Check if you are using the correct URL to the project page.

ERR_ATTACH_FAIL_BAD_KEY -212 - You tried to attach to a project using an incorrect account key. Check if you have the correct account key. Copy and paste it from your email into the Boinc Manager attach to wizard.

ERR_ATTACH_FAIL_FILE_WRITE -213 - BOINC was unable to create an account file for the project on your disk. Make sure you have sufficient read/write rights on your operating system.

ERR_ATTACH_FAIL_SERVER_ERROR -214 - BOINC failed to attach to the project.

ERR_SIGNING_KEY -215 - No longer used in any version of BOINC.

ERR_FFLUSH -216 - BOINC is unable to flush the file. Make sure you have sufficient read/write rights on your operating system.

ERR_FSYNC -217 - Error trying to sync (flush) file to disk on a Windows system

ERR_TRUNCATE -218 - File size couldn't be truncated.

ERR_WRONG_URL -219 - You are using the wrong URL for this project. Check the URL and detach then re-attach with the correct URL.

ERR_DUP_NAME -220 - This is a check that you aren't already attached to a project of the same name. You can only attach to a project once.

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