Setiathome GPU

From BOINC Wiki
Revision as of 16:23, 23 November 2016 by Jord (talk | contribs) (NVIDIA GPU: moving the dash explanation)


The absolute minimum required driver to run any work at Seti is Catalyst 11.12, in the table below designated 1112000.
Catalyst 12.2 and onwards starts dropping OpenCL support for Windows XP for some GPUs.
Catalyst 12.4 and onwards OpenCL support for Windows XP completely dropped.
Catalyst 12.10 and onwards: Windows XP & HD4000 series are maintenance updates only.
Catalyst 13.1 has an APP runtime 1084.4 compiler bug. Do not use this driver for SETI@home.
15.11 and onwards, releases are now called Crimson instead of Catalyst, and officially only support Graphics Core Next (GCN) based GPUs.

At 23 November 2016, minimum required ATI/AMD GPU at Seti is a Radeon HD 5xxx with 512MB memory, or a FirePro equivalent.

Drivers are available from the AMD drivers download page.

Plan Class Minimum OpenCL Maximum OpenCL Minimum CAL driver Maximum CAL driver
opencl_ati_100 - - 1112000 -
opencl_ati_mac_nocal - - 1112000 -
opencl_ati_mac - - 1112000 -
opencl_ati5_mac_nocal - - 1112000 -
opencl_ati5_mac - - 1112000 -
opencl_ati5_mac_SoG - - 1112000 -
opencl_atiapu_sah 112420 - - -
opencl_atiapu_SoG 112420 - - -
opencl_ati5_sah - 101640 - 10041741
opencl_ati5_SoG - 101640 - 10041741
opencl_ati_sah - 101640 - 10041741
opencl_ati_nocal - 101640 - 10041741
opencl_ati_linux 112420 - - -
opencl_ati5_linux_nocal 112420 - - -
opencl_ati5_linux 112420 - - -
opencl_ati_nocal 112420 - - -
opencl_ati_cat132 112420 - - -
opencl_ati5_nocal 112420 - - -
opencl_ati5_SoG_nocal 112420 - - -
opencl_ati5_cat132 112420 - - -
opencl_ati5_SoG_cat132 112420 - - -
opencl_ati_pre129 - - 1112000 -

A dash ('-') means no limit required or not applicable.

Intel GPU

To run work on an Intel GPU, you require at minimum an Ivy Bridge type Intel CPU with a HD 2500 or HD 4000 GPU built in and running at minimum Intel driver (8 Jan 2015).

Drivers are available from the Intel drivers download page.


Classed per CUDA compute ability version, which minimum and maximum driver revisions are needed to get work on your GPU.

Drivers are available from the Nvidia drivers download page.

Plan Class Min revision Max revision
cuda22 185.85 341.61
cuda23 190.38 341.61
cuda32 263.06 -
cuda42 301.24 -
cuda42_mac 329.07 -
cuda50 304.48 -
cuda60 331.00 -
cuda75_mac 460.61 -
opencl_nvidia_sah 347.00 -
opencl_nvidia_SoG 347.00 -
opencl_nvidia_mac - -
opencl_nvidia_SoG_mac - -
opencl_nvidia_cc1_sah - -
opencl_nvidia_100 - -
opencl_nvidia_cc1 - 341.61
cuda_opencl_100 197.13 -
cuda_opencl_cc1 197.13 341.61

A dash ('-') means no minimum or maximum required.